Beverly Fells Jones Show

The Year Christianity was Officially Made-up 325AD



The Council of Nicea was called by Emperor Constantine as a gathering of recognized church leaders from across the known world in 325AD. There were many churches and groups that were practicing their versions of a religion based on the teachings of Jesus. To get a handle on all these different teaching Constantine invited (demanded) that these leaders come to this meeting. This was the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church and the foundation for Christianity today. Stay with me throughout this journey to the very end to learn what the official statement that came out of this conclave was.#CouncilofNicea #NiceneCreed #ReligionBe sure to comment or send me an email at beverly@commandingyourlife. Ask me a question and let’s see what my opinion brings out. Upcoming classes and webinars can be found at me as I discuss important aspects of our beliefs and how they affect our lives.