Beverly Fells Jones Show

Manifestations - True Stories - Why She Laughed Out Loud



I am a reader of old literature and self-help books. They give me the foundation by which I live. I have reshaped by belief system by removing those ideas, mantras and self-destructing stories that kept me from being the best that I can be. We are the creator of our lives in many ways. The decisions we make and implement affect our entire life. During this time of crisis in America and the world I want to share uplifting stories to help remove a little stress and give you hope for our futures.Today’s story from the International Best Selling Book “Manifestations: True Stories of Bringing The Imagined Into Reality,” will take you where you may have been or may be in today. Today I am reading for you the contribution from Barbara Larrabee. She aptly names it “Laugh Out Loud.” I am happy to share with you true stories of manifesting. So over time I will be sharing stories from this book. However, I encourage you to buy your own copy so that you can read the stories and develop the belief that you are