Scummy Mummies - Podcast

246: Laura Bates on everyday sexism



We are smashing the patriarchy in this episode with the help of Laura Bates - campaigner, writer, speaker, and all-round excellent woman. She explains why she started the Everyday Sexism project, and we discuss how the landscape has changed in the decade since. Laura tells us what she'd change tomorrow if she had a magic wand, and we ask her advice on how to raise our kids so they don't turn out to be terrible sexists. There's some real talk about pornography, and the effect it's having on men's behaviour during sex. As usual we round off with some ludicrous Scummy Mummy Confessions, this time involving a date fail, ladder theft, and ham. Laura's brilliant book, Fix the System Not the Women, is out now. Check out and follow her on instagram @laura_bates__.@laura_bates__.Come and see our live show in 2023! We are on our way to Lincoln, Kettering, Redhill, Catford, Camberley, Cheltenham, Lancaster, Caernarfon, Burnley, Milton Keynes, Winchester, Newcastle, L