Spiritpreneur School: Spiritual Business For Entrepreneurs

When They Don’t Support You



Hey Goddess, UNGentle reminder, news alert, all points bulletin: THEY DON’T ALL DESERVE YOUR MAGIC. I just had a chat with an amazing woman who just signed up for my Spiritpreneur Guru Academy — & was in TEARS because her “BEST FRIENDS” are un-supportive of her goals & dreams. She said that as she has been talking about her incredible coaching and product biz she wants to build, they say versions of: “people like us” don’t build businesses. They say she’s not educated enough, too broke and too old. This woman — who has a record of life success, hustle & making stuff happen — was seeing herself as LESS THAN because of her family & “friends.” And I know she’s not alone. Listen, you do NOT need to share all of your dreams with EVERYBODY. I was reminded of this recently as well. OF COURSE THEY CAN’T SEE IT — THE VISION WAS GIVEN TO YOU, NOT THEM. Different relationships serve different purposes. If your Friday night drink buddies aren’t down to sit and do a quarterly goals review wi