Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

The Unexpected Energy Shifts Coming in 2023: Empaths Are You Ready?



Are you ready for a deep dive into the energy of 2023 and the astrological insights for January? This episode brings together intuitive insights, astrology dates, angel cards, and guidance on how to connect with the energy the New Year brings. 2023 will be a year of awakening for many people on different levels, as well as a time of reshuffling power and the collapse of outdated leadership structures. January is set to be a month of new beginnings, with opportunities for emotional healing and aligning with your inner self. Keep an eye out for astrological events like the Mercury retrograde and the Full Moon in Cancer, and tap into the energy of Aquarius to focus on your aspirations, intuition, and integrity. Let Angel Cambiel help you access the Water of Life and transform through purification of your intuition. Don't miss out on these powerful and potentially life-changing insights. Whatever you’re creating in your life, know that everything is possible. Sending you so much love and Angel blessi