Saint George Parish - St. George Catholic Church Homilies



Homilies by Father Dan Merz at St. George Catholic Church in Linn, MO


  • Homily for June 3, 2018


    Faith isn't easy, but it is worth working for. From St. Peter to Pope Francis, the Church has never changed her teaching that in the Eucharist the bread and wine become the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. In all the Eucharistic miracles in

  • Homily for June 10, 2018


    For Mary to have an immaculate heart means an undivided heart, untouched by sin. She didn't always understand the right thing to do, but she intuitively knew it and was completely free to choose it! Like every good mother, she wants to help us heal our br

  • Homily for May 20, 2018


    The presence or absence of the Spirit makes all the difference in our lives. Am I living in the realm of the "flesh" (unredeemed humanity) or in the realm of the Spirit of God. St. Paul gives a list of 15 vices (works of the flesh) and 9 virtues (the frui

  • Homily for May 13, 2018


    During the days before Jesus' Ascension, he met with (literally, "shared salt with") the disciples. "Sharing salt" means sharing the most important things with another. Because of the gift of the Spirit which Jesus sent after his Ascension, we are each bo

  • Homily For May 10, 2018 - Funeral Mass for Mark Voss


    Homily For May 10, 2018 - Funeral Mass for Mark Voss

  • Homily for May 6, 2018


    Tradition immemorial talks about the four loves: family love, romance love, friendship love, and divine love. To be whom God created us to be, we all need all four loves. But divine love (sacrificial love) completes and perfects the other three. Lord, per

  • Homily for April 29, 2018


    The Church is the gathering together of disciples, who remain in Jesus, the true vine. If we remain on the vine, connected to the Lord, we receive the nourishment we need to weather the storms of this life. Remaining in Him means doing something, it means

  • Homily for April 22, 2018


    Jesus is the gate and good shepherd of the sheep. And as such he shows all mom and dad's how to be the gate and shepherd for their children, access points to life, nourishment and protection. If moms and dads do this well, then it opens up their children

  • Homily for April 15, 2018


    When Jesus draws near the apostles, they're startled and terrified. We may be comfortable with Jesus at a distance, but we need him to draw close, to be the voice of truth when the enemy tears us down and accuses us. Resist the devil! Hold your ground! An

  • Homily for April 8, 2018


    Even after "seeing" the resurrection, being filled with joy, and also sharing the news with others, the disciples remain locked in the upper room for fear. But none of this prevents Jesus from coming to stand in their midst, or our midst over and over to

  • Homily for April 1, 2018


    What do you find amazing? And can it really compare with the resurrection. Let yourself be amazed at this true marvel. And seek it out in practical ways.

  • Homily March 31, 2018


    Tonight is about darkness and Light, slavery and freedom, death and Life. The women went to the tomb not knowing how to roll the stone away. So they looked up...

  • Homily for March 30, 2018


    It's necessary to read the Passion accounts in their entirety to see the truth about our sin. But John's account also reveals the eternal love story in a strange, yet beautiful way.

  • Homily for March 29, 2018


    Three great mysteries are revealed for us tonight: the institution of the Holy Eucharist, the institution of the priestly Order, and the Lord's command to fraternal charity.

  • Homily for March 25, 2018


    The Passion account is the most magnificent part of the Gospel, Good News! We're shown the necessity of dying with Jesus, of doing what we can, of weeping for our sins, of remaining, watching, praying, and going forth to the Father's will. And we're shown

  • Homily for March 18, 2018


    When even non Jews begin seeking Jesus, he knows that his hour has come, the hour for the cross. And he teaches us that dying is the only way to bear fruit that lasts forever, into eternal life. He prays, "Father, glorify your name." Which is to say, thy

  • Homily for March 11, 2018


    Miracles remind us not to close ourselves off from all the ways that God can act in our lives. Grace is the unearned and undeserved gifts from God. Faith is the trusting acceptance of God's gifts. Trust Him and begin to see as grace even the trials and su

  • Homily for March 4, 2018


    Zeal for your house will consume me! Was Jesus a zealot? The true house of the Lord is the Body of Christ, the Church, and Jesus shows his zealous love by giving his life to be consumed on the Cross. That kind of zeal for love, forgiveness and virtue is w

  • Homily for February 25, 2018


    Death is a big deal for us, but not for God, who is Lord of life and death. God was teaching Abraham (and us) to learn to love another by entrusting them to Him. God put Abraham to the test and Abraham trusted Him. When he puts you to the test this week:

  • Homily for February 18, 2018


    The Scriptures inspire us to see the world symbolically: rains are baptism, wood points to the cross, boats remind us of the Church, rainbows are signs of God's hope and mercy, etc. Jesus says the way we belong to God's kingdom is through repentance and t

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