Julie Cross Podcast Show



Welcome to the Julie Cross Podcast SHOW! What you can expect when you stop by is that you will be empowered, energised or entertained or perhaps all three at once. This will happen through the sharing my thoughts, learning and reflections. It will happen through storytelling, sharing both my stories and the stories of others, it will also happen through interviews with people, maybe not famous people but people on the street. It is going to grow and change as we do and as I get to know what you want to hear. But what I can promise you is that no matter the content, my vision will always be take you on a feeling journey leave you feeling glad that you stopped by. Enjoy! And I look forward to reading your comments and thoughts.


  • It's called service for a reason!

    02/02/2018 Duración: 04min

    You are being paid to be there, you choose the be there, so go do your work like you are loving your job and then your job will love you back. I recorded this a couple of years ago and some people got it and some people got offended... but I got to tell you after some recent customer service experiences I stick by it. It is your job... and I am not just caring about your customers when I talk about this, I am caring about YOU! It will not be the habitual and routine employee with a negative and bored attitude that will be promoted, offered new opportunities and celebrated... you deserve to take the best of yourself to work every day so that you may enjoy the rewards that come with that... some of your 'stuff' just has to be left back stage. And as employers and leaders let us make sure we are inspiring our teams to see the big vision of the difference they make in what they do every day.

  • [BEST OF 2017] Find YOU and then YOU will shine!

    31/01/2018 Duración: 04min

    People are demanding authenticity ... we are all talking about it, so where is it and how do we live it?

  • [BEST OF 2017] Life - 'THAT PENIS STORY'

    29/01/2018 Duración: 03min

    Maintaining a sense of humour when life daily takes you to the edge isn't always easy. But it is possible and it is necessary, well necessary if you want to live a happy, joyful life despite the challenges, and I sure do. A story about that has my son living with Autism in a staring role. And yes, I do say that 'P' word!

  • The Gift of a New Year...

    26/01/2018 Duración: 04min

    It really is a gift and a little like a game of pass the parcel. What is the gift you are unwrapping today?

  • [BEST OF 2017] Live - 'When I loved myself enough'

    26/01/2018 Duración: 03min

    Yes, I know I always find my way back to this message, but when will we get it? And have we really thought about what it truly means to love yourself and the problems it would solve when we did? Come on, listen in, you deserve this one.

  • [BEST OF 2017] Living & loving with Autism

    24/01/2018 Duración: 13min

    Living & loving with Autism: An Introduction to the journey that is like no other. There will be laughter, tears and lessons for all that dare to come on this journey with us.

  • Celebrating our Teachers

    22/01/2018 Duración: 04min

    You may not be famous, you may not go viral on social media but you do forever have an impact on our children, so I applaud and honour you.

  • [BEST OF 2017] Work - 'Managing Service'

    22/01/2018 Duración: 04min

    Great service is easy to talk about but, it would seem, a lot harder to do and to manage... otherwise surely we would see more examples of great service. Still so many opportunities in business by simply improving our service!

  • Lessons from Trekking from the Great Ocean Road Walk

    19/01/2018 Duración: 10min

    It is not just about the destination but the lessons you get from the journey, so many life lessons come from putting one foot in front of the other. 

  • [BEST OF 2017] Story time - 'Meeting Marjorie'

    19/01/2018 Duración: 04min

    It was at a bus stop... a chance encounter that had me 'stop' and be for a moment. Little did I know that in my extending some kindness to a stranger that the gift would actually be for me. We are so anxious to get busy and get to 'work' that so often we forget that every day moments of connection are our 'work'... or work as being human beings!

  • [BEST OF 2017] Loving with Autism - 'Train Ride'

    17/01/2018 Duración: 05min

    Life is a ride isn't it? And Autism a journey like no other. This is about a ride on a train and a journey within the connections we can make with each other when we are not looking for opportunities to be offended. Come along, one thing for sure is it is a fun ride!

  • [BEST OF 2017] The rules of the game of life!

    15/01/2018 Duración: 03min

    I can't believe what a challenging year I am having, I mean I just can't believe it, it has been so tough. What did you think you were going to be the only one to miss out!?

  • [BEST OF 2017] Wine for 1... or was it 2?

    12/01/2018 Duración: 05min

    Because I believe and I see Angels in feathers... well because I believe I get signs from love from above in all kinds of ways. The Universe is constantly wrapping itself around us and letting us know we are loved. This story will give you goosebumps... and it happened at lunch...

  • [BEST OF 2017] My Three Capes Trek Adventure

    10/01/2018 Duración: 08min

    My Three Capes Trek Adventure. When you challenge yourself physically you challenge yourself emotionally. Come along on a journey that was like no other in the mountains climbed and the views enjoyed.

  • Are you a Glider or a Clunker?

    08/12/2017 Duración: 02min

    You see some people that seem to effortlessly glide through life, everything looking so together and perfect from the outside. Well I have always admired that and felt a little envious of that... but now I realise it is OK to be a clunker and clunkers are successful too. Yep, I am a clunker not a glider and I am OK about that.

  • Sydney Taxi Driver

    01/12/2017 Duración: 04min

    Inspiring messages come from all kinds of people in all kinds of moments. Sometimes you just have to take the first step and say hello.

  • Peace (shooting)

    24/11/2017 Duración: 03min

    In a time where every week the news shocks us with another shooting or another terrorist event, how to be keep focussed on love, light and peace?

  • Book Extract

    17/11/2017 Duración: 07min

    It's a book! Just who does she think she is? Julie shares an extract from her much anticipated first book. To purchase the book visit juliecross.com.au/book

  • Remembering Flash

    10/11/2017 Duración: 02min

    On this day we remember my husband and the boys Dad.

  • Remembering Flash

    10/11/2017 Duración: 02min

    On this day we remember my husband and the boys Dad.

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