Satsang With Mooji



Podcast by Mooji


  • How Life Takes Care of Life

    07/10/2023 Duración: 10min

    Do life's challenges come predestined for our spiritual growth? Moojibaba directs our attention to that which is beyond all challenges and the influence of the ego. From this perspective it becomes evident how life takes care of life. "Everyone who has an ego is dominated by the mind. When you are grounded in beingness, you are seeing with more godly eyes, and you don't have to plan or control anything. Your capacity as consciousness is to see everything in the highest light." 18 August 2023 Monte Sahaja, Portugal

  • I Am — The God Principle Within

    25/09/2023 Duración: 27min

    We all know we exist. But as what do we exist? Moojibaba speaks about the sense ‘I Am’, the sense of being, and encourages us to sit in this, as this. He continues that even this 'I Am'-ness can subside and what remains is the core of Awareness, the wordless state. “But make sure this doesn’t become a concept. Stay with the sense of being and cross over the ocean of Samsara into the land of beingness.” This is an extremely powerful and practical guidance that can be listened to over and over again.

  • How to Stop the Monkey Mind

    10/09/2023 Duración: 17min

    Many seekers of truth complain of how noisy and restless the monkey mind can play, especially when there is an intention to be self aware as presence. Moojibaba offers a straightforward guidance that exposes the monkey identity and reveals the pure space of the uninvolved witness. “How to stop the monkey mind? — When you observe the mind with detachment, without logging into its energy it automatically slows down and is replaced by a sense of impersonal presence — which is definitely not monkey food. It’s time to sit and just observe — let go of everything.”

  • Guided Meditation — Remain As You Are

    29/08/2023 Duración: 10min

    This simple and easy to follow meditation directs the attention back to its source. We are guided to not identify with the body, thoughts or feelings but to remain as the detached witness. Like this we experience how it is to be just aware, how spacious, how natural. In a short time we find ourself back in our original, pure and timeless being. “There is no technique of how to be. Just remember and be this. Fall in love with it. Protect it from the mind. Don't keep going into identity and all of this you will see remains always with you, as you.”

  • You Are Not A Failure, You Are The Pure Self

    20/08/2023 Duración: 31min

    "Sometimes there is a deep, unrecognised message inside your being that you're going to fail." Moojibaba exposes the false identity that is built around the idea of "not being good enough." This seed of unworthiness is the source of suffering, but it can be overcome by simply observing the minds fluctuations without interest. From this detached space of being we find true freedom from the burdens of self-doubt and fear. "Don't just fall in love with practice. Do it and fall in love with that which it reveals in you. As long as your intention is for this, in your striving, help and grace will come to you."

  • Your True Self Cannot Be Seen

    13/08/2023 Duración: 35min

    This satsang is an absolute gem and master pointing on Self Inquiry. It exposes the falsehood of the personal ´I´ and is highly recommended for repeated viewing to confirm our true essence as pure awareness. "What is your position in this act of perceiving? Are you looking from the mind? Or are you looking at the mind? And if you are looking at the mind, who are you that's looking?"

  • Dis-identify and Observe How Harmoniously Life Unfolds

    02/08/2023 Duración: 21min

    This must-watch satsang is at the very heart of Moojibaba's pointings. By remaining as the detached witness we are able to observe the mind and all its tricks which are appearing on the screen of consciousness. Our work is simply to remain as awareness no matter what appears on the screen. Like this, the mind's power diminishes and peace is experienced effortlessly. "Mind is producing different scenarios all the time. But at the place I speak from, it doesn't matter where you go, on the bus, on the train, on the airplane, on a rock. It doesn't matter. It's still the same. This is why I say, nothing else is really so much my teaching. We are not going to be afraid of the darkness, because when the darkness comes, it only helps to polish our brightness."

  • An Invitation From Person to Presence — Interview with Johnny Wilkinson

    20/07/2023 Duración: 01h15min

    In this illuminating conversation, Mooji and Jonny Wilkinson delve into the true nature of our being, the quest for freedom, and the power of letting go. After a long and successful career as a rugby player, Jonny turned to exploring Self realisation, and we are very happy to share this uplifting interview. "If there's a shift, it's like a shift from person to presence. As you come more into presence and you begin to honor the presence, life becomes so much richer and broader in all its scope. All the antics of the person will gradually yield to the wiser being and you will know actually that within itself it is limitless and imperishable." Johnny Wilkinson "I Am" podcast Interview Bonus— Moojibaba's Story 17 May 2023 Monte Sahaja, Portugal

  • How Can I Serve God? Wake Up!

    08/07/2023 Duración: 13min

    The best way to serve God is to be empty of the sense of a personal "you". By following Moojibaba's guidance we experience harmony with God and find absolute joy in the emptiness of being. "To seek God for the sake of finding God, I feel this is serving the whole world."

  • Heart is Your Home

    29/06/2023 Duración: 04min

    Often we desire things, believing they will bring immense happiness, but eventually realize they fall short of our expectations. Moojibaba shares that true fulfillment lies within our heart and to make use of this life to fully awaken to our true nature. "The call to awakening has to be in the now. There has to be the pulse of now-ness in you, because the rest is all mind and ego. There is something in us that easily falls asleep. Come out of the hole into the whole, the wholeness of grace and God's presence in you.

  • Observe with Detachment and Discover Your Natural State of Being

    15/06/2023 Duración: 17min

    What does it mean to integrate? To continue to not identify with things that come up. We are not on a journey to refine the person — include also the sense of the person as a phenomenon perceived by something which cannot be seen. The person is a restless state, searching for rest in fulfilling its projections. Be here in your unchanging being. Your real journey begins within — in this within-ness, you learn to observe with detachment and discover your natural state.

  • Dwell Inside Your Own Presence

    06/06/2023 Duración: 20min

    Moojibaba's emphasis in this talk is on the importance of observing thoughts and sensations with detachment. From the stillness of the detached witness, peace and harmony infuse all of our daily interactions. "The whole world is like a passing show. When you're still, you gradually begin to feel the full power of your presence. It resonates like peace, like a solid peace, a well beingness, joy, silent, content, happy, not happy about, just happy. Happiness is your nature."

  • Flowing as Existence, Still as Timeless Being

    25/05/2023 Duración: 30min

    With a simple and direct approach, Moojibaba takes us to the heart of his guidance which leads to full and everlasting freedom. "Before you pick up any instruction, sit with yourself. Don't engage with the noise of the mind. Come back to the place of being. This is key. Being with it consciously and devotedly, everything comes right."

  • Essential Pointer for Awakening

    16/05/2023 Duración: 11min

    Moojibaba shares a simple 10 minute exercise to awaken to our true Self. The exercise involves sitting down and emptying one's mind, staying present and aware of oneself and observing thoughts and feelings without identifying with them. With practice, we become established in presence and experience a transformation in our being, realizing that the true self is not the mind-created identity, but consciousness itself. "If you can follow this, you will find real happiness, real joy, and realize how precious your life is. Not your life lived to satisfy your egoic and personal identity, but the life that is eternal, unending and beautiful."

  • Through This One Door All Can Find Freedom

    25/04/2023 Duración: 37min

    Through a simple yet direct guidance to observe the play of life with detachment, we discover the difference between the ego and the Self. We are also reminded that each response from the Master is universal food for all, and not miss our chance for transcendence by holding onto the sense of a unique personal question or problem. “This exercise has been followed for thousands of years. Many came out of the prison house of personhood and won themselves back. Anywhere you sit resting in your being, that place becomes your temple, your mosque, your cave.”

  • This Singular Understanding Breaks the Spell of the Mind

    16/04/2023 Duración: 16min

    In this potent talk, Moojibaba points to the singular understanding which can set us free from all of the suffering born from the mind and personhood. “If I had to impart one thing, the greatest advice, what would it be? It would be that whatever arises as mind, you begin to observe it dispassionately. Don’t get involved — as though you are a mere witness on the scene. Keep out of the crime scene. Observe with detachment, don’t cling to the sense of personhood. Don’t log into the mind wave — you can do it. At some point, all of the noise of the mind will drift away, and what will be left is the full presence of Presence. The health of your Being. Uncomplicated, formless, perfectly at peace.” 11 December 2022 Monte Sahaja, Portugal ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • The Room of Being

    23/03/2023 Duración: 12min

    Mooji gives a simple and essential guidance to observe the play of life as though we are sitting inside the room of our own Being — untroubled, with a sweet detachment and deepening peace. "Observe, but don't be too interested. If you get interested, you get identified very easily. You are looking from a stillness, there's no need to control. Be aware of just being aware." 27 December 2022 Monte Sahaja, Portugal ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • Be Totally Empty, Like a Child In the Presence of God

    07/03/2023 Duración: 23min

    Upcoming Online Weekend Retreat with Mooji — 17-19 March 2023 Mooji guides us through a potent and transformative Self-inquiry guidance, triggered by a questioner's frustration that sometimes he is not able to shift to the place of the Self. “Right now, out of my love for you, I tell you, ‘Drop all of this with me.’ Don’t touch any of this. Just have one moment with me. One moment with me, without anything at all. One moment, not holding any shape at all. Can you do it?” Online Retreat with Mooji — A Call to Awakening 3 December 2022

  • Shortcut to Freedom

    26/02/2023 Duración: 01h39min

    In this powerful Satsang, Mooji points us beyond the mere intellectual understanding of his pointers to the direct experience of the timeless now. "I’m not pointing you to a path of pain, but a path of discovery. You’re not just living life, you are life itself. You are consciousness, you are the God Self, we are whole, and wholesome. Know you are the Self, know you are One— let yourself dissolve." Monte Sahaja, Portugal 15 February 2023 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening

  • The Power of True Seeing

    26/02/2023 Duración: 01h46min

    Mooji shares with us the quintessence of his pointings — to observe the mind, thoughts, feelings and sense of self with detachment, and find timeless freedom. Moojibaba offered this special online Satsang via Zoom to benefit the work of the Pradiya Foundation. The Pradiya Foundation was created by Oinak Singh, who grew up at the Ramana’s Garden Children’s Home in Rishikesh, India. Inspired by the generous seva of Prabhavati Deva Dwabha, the founder of Ramana’s Garden, Oinak continues in this full spirit of upliftment with the Foundation’s current work in Oda, Nepal. You can find out more information here: 
If you would like to contribute to Pradiya's fundraising efforts, you can do so here:

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