Paul Tripp: Radio Podcast



Dr. Paul David Tripp connects the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life through his radio program, Right Here, Right Now. For more resources, visit


  • [CONFLICT] 5. Concrete Steps to Real Change

    06/05/2014 Duración: 25min

    Are you stuck in any of your relationships? In this final episode in the Conflict series, Paul David Tripp talks about several signs that reveal you're stuck, and then gives six biblical steps for hope and change.

  • [CONFLICT] 4. Worship is the Key

    02/05/2014 Duración: 25min

    We all have experienced some sort of conflict in our relationships, and most sane people want less of that conflict. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp explains how we can achieve more peaceful relationships by attacking the real root of conflict.

  • [CONFLICT] 3. Why Does It Happen? (2/2)

    25/04/2014 Duración: 25min

    The Bible is very clear about two things: human beings were made for relationships, but we have a terrible time getting along with one another! In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp teaches from one of the most significant relational passages in all of Scripture.

  • [CONFLICT] 2. Why Does It Happen? (1/2)

    14/04/2014 Duración: 25min

    Human conflict is inevitable. You see it as early as toddlers playing with each other, arguing over plastic toys. No one taught them to fight or encouraged them to be selfish - it's the natural inclination of the human heart. In this episode, Paul David Tripp teaches that we need to look into God's Word for a diagnosis and a cure.

  • [CONFLICT] 1. It's Everywhere

    04/04/2014 Duración: 25min

    Why is it so hard for us to get along with one another? Why are our relationships marked by conflict? In this new series, Paul David Tripp explains that we need to look inside ourselves - not outside - to discover the source of conflict.

  • [GENESIS] 5. The God Who Speaks

    24/02/2014 Duración: 25min

    It can be argued that the most important phrase in the Bible is, "In the beginning, God..." You can go on to argue that the second most important phrase is, "And God said..." In this final episode of "Back to the Beginning," Paul David Tripp teaches how Adam and Eve, despite living in a perfect world, were still utterly dependent on the words of their Creator.

  • [GENESIS] 4. Community With Others

    17/02/2014 Duración: 25min

    It's a verse in the Bible that's often misunderstood or misinterpreted - “It is not good that the man should be alone" (Genesis 2:18). Scripture gives no indication that Adam, living in a perfect world, is sulking around the garden, lonely and dejected. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp explains that God's design, from the beginning, was for humanity to live in interdependent community with one another.

  • [GENESIS] 3. Identity in Three Parts

    10/02/2014 Duración: 25min

    Cars weren't designed to drive on railroad tracks. Trains weren't designed to travel through water. Boats don't have a tendency to do well on a highway. In the same way, human beings were designed to live in a certain way, and when we violate our design, bad things happen. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp teaches on three facets of our human identity.

  • [GENESIS] 2. Community with God

    03/02/2014 Duración: 25min

    God does not exist for you. You exist for Him. It's an easy theological truth to talk about, but when the rubber meets the road in everyday, it's very difficult to live. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp teaches how community with God should shape our schedule, finances, and relationships.

  • [GENESIS] 1. The Four Most Important Words

    27/01/2014 Duración: 25min

    What are the four most important words in the Bible? In this new series, Paul David Tripp argues that the four most important words are the first four ever written - "In the beginning, God." These four words define who we are and help us fight three seductive lies.

  • [CONTROL] 5. Signs of the Battle for Rule

    09/12/2013 Duración: 25min

    Are you resting or are you fighting? Here's the bottom line: God is in charge, and you are not. But our hearts want to believe a different story. We want to be in control; we want our plans to succeed; we want our little kingdoms to achieve. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp explains why God's rule is our hope and why our fight is our doom.

  • [CONTROL] 4. Out of Control (2/2)

    02/12/2013 Duración: 25min

    Sin has entered our world and brought with it a terribly destructive war. But it's not primarily a war between two nations or religions fighting for land or political power. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp reveals that a war rages on the turf of your heart. It’s a war for control; it’s a war for power; it’s a war for rule. We are either resting in God’s rule, or we’re battling Him for rule.

  • [CONTROL] 3. Out of Control (1/2)

    25/11/2013 Duración: 25min

    Do you like to make plans? Do you have a plan for your diet, your vacation, your career, or your family? Planning can be a good thing, evidence of a godly and responsible heart. But we tend to forget that we're not in charge, and we react sinfully when life doesn't go according to our plan. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp why God, in divine love, will allow our plans to be shattered.

  • [CONTROL] 2. God and Surprises

    18/11/2013 Duración: 25min

    Do you like surprises? A surprise birthday party in your honor might be enjoyable, or a surprise bonus from your employer would be well received; but what about unexpected, undesired surprises? In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp teaches that we live in a world full of surprises, none of which are surprising to the Almighty Creator.

  • [CONTROL] 1. A World Out Of Control

    11/11/2013 Duración: 25min

    Have you ever been in the middle of a situation and wondered, "Who in the world is in charge here!?" We live in the middle of a fallen world where things don't operate as they should. Life often seems harder than it should be, and we want to know why. In this new series - "May I Speak to the Manager, Please?" - Paul David Tripp teaches that even though life is out of our control, it is under the wise control of the world's best Manager.

  • [TALK] 10. Speaking for the King (2/2)

    18/10/2013 Duración: 25min

    If you're a human being, you have the ability to communicate. And for the Christian, we need to ask one ultimate question: what does God want me to say? In the last episode of a 10-part series on Biblical communication, Paul David Tripp reveals that we need to speak like an ambassador.

  • [TALK] 9. Speaking for the King (1/2)

    12/10/2013 Duración: 25min

    Americans are strangely attracted and attached to the British monarchy. Seeing that they fought for independence from the monarchy, it seems a bit of a strange obsession. But in the episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp thinks he knows why - "We are attracted to the monarchy because, secretly, we would all like to be king. We wonder what it would be like if we ruled our own world.”

  • [TALK] 8. Time for a King

    07/09/2013 Duración: 25min

    Are you tired of making the same mistakes over and over again? Do you commit yourself to something good but always end up falling back to same place? You don’t have to be discouraged anymore, because the Gospel of Jesus Christ gives you the grace to truly change. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp gives 10 practical ways for you to get from where you are to where you need to be.

  • [TALK] 7. Idol Words

    20/07/2013 Duración: 25min

    We don't like to admit it, but it really is true: our biggest problem with words exists inside of us, not outside of us. We want to blame other people or the weather or the traffic, but the Bible is clear: for out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp diagnoses our problem with talk and points us to the only Cure.

  • [TALK] 6. The Word in the Flesh

    06/07/2013 Duración: 25min

    Your garden will never look better if you refuse to admit that there are weeds growing in it. The only way your garden will ever look healthy is if you face the fact that it's filled with weeds. In the same way, your world of talk will only change if you admit your need for help. If In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp opens up to Ephesians 1 and gives us four dynamic words that can change the way we approach our communication.

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