Creative Warriors



Creative Warriors is a community of purpose-driven entrepreneurs and creative small business owners. Brave souls taking the road less traveled, forging our way through the world creating businesses marketing ourselves and our talents. Business coach, entrepreneur and warrior himself, Jeffrey Shaw, interviews leading authors, successful entrepreneurs, and well known creatives, who will offer you inspiration and best business practices that you can apply directly in your life and business. Topics include social media, marketing, time management, creativity as well as many out-of-the-box innovative business ideas.


  • 23: Ben Newman - Are You 100% In The Game?

    18/11/2014 Duración: 36min

    “YOUR success is not just about changing YOUR habits, it’s about changing the way YOU think.” That quote from best-selling author and international speaker Ben Newman may put you on edge or intrigue you and the reality is it should do both! Either way, hopefully it will motivate you to be at your peak performance and in the game 100%.

  • 22: David Mead - of the Simon Sinek Team

    11/11/2014 Duración: 41min

    David Mead is part of New York Times best-selling author Simon Sinek’s team. You may know Simon from his famed TED Talk, “How Great Leaders Inspire” and for being a passionate thought leader that is internationally recognized and most known for his work “Start With Why.” David and the entire Simon Sinek team turn conventional wisdom inside-out to help people and businesses achieve their best results. Results that are focused on WHY we do what we do before the WHAT and HOW of what we do.

  • 21: David duChemin - How To Feed A Starving Artist

    02/11/2014 Duración: 40min

    I sat down with photographer and author David duChemin to discuss his latest book “How To Feed A Starving Artist". We discuss everything from the #1 money issue most creative business owners face to how a semi-debilitating accident changed “everything” in very unexpected ways. David shares why he too, feels this is the best time in history to be a creative business owner and how a diversified business will be necessary in the future.

  • 20: Greg Taylor - Be A Solopreneur No More

    30/10/2014 Duración: 37min

    WordPress and marketing expert Greg Taylor shares with us his experience about team building, collaboration with others and problem solving. This interview is full of practical business advice including some awesome WordPress tips. Greg is a knowledgeable guy!

  • 19: Jordan Harbinger - How Business is Like Dating

    22/10/2014 Duración: 38min

    A lively conversation with relationship expert Jordan Harbinger of The Art of Charm about how business is a lot like dating. 

  • 18: Jay Baer - YOUTILITY: Why Smart Marketing Is About Help Not Hype

    15/10/2014 Duración: 40min

    Digital marketing expert and best-selling author Jay Baer says that the difference between helping and selling is just two letters. But those two letters are critically important to the success of your business in the age of information overload. Jay explains how smart marketing is about help not hype. This episode is jam packed with incredible information!

  • 17: Kevin Swan - An Entrepreneur Putting Family First

    07/10/2014 Duración: 33min

    Unassuming lifestyle entrepreneur Kevin Swan joins us today to discuss his latest “project”--packing up his family in an Airstream trailer and traveling across the USA. It's about making decisions and acting on them. It's about kicking fear to the curb and trusting that you can solve any problem that arises. Ultimately it's about courage, trust and willpower. Three qualities each and every Creative Warrior must embrace everyday. 

  • 16: Dan LeFave - Having A Money Making Mind-Set

    01/10/2014 Duración: 36min

    Money mind-set expert Dan LeFave and I discuss money and the unspoken conflict that many creative business owners face. It can be a challenge with something as "tangible" as money to believe that it has anything to do with how we think. The truth is, it has everything to do with how we think.

  • 15: Tom Asacker - The Business of Belief

    23/09/2014 Duración: 32min

    It all start with our beliefs! In this chat with 5 time author Tom Asacker, we’ll look at why we get stuck in our beliefs, how we can change the stories we tell ourselves to change our results, and how BELIEF is the next big thing in business. 

  • 14: Thai Nguyen - Making a Living, Living The Dream

    17/09/2014 Duración: 32min

    Thai Nguyen is a self proclaimed professional re-inventor. He’s a 5-star chef, an international kick-boxer, a writer, speaker, and mindset-transformation coach. Thai is the true meaning of a Lifestyle Entrepreneur. As Thai says, "making a living, living the dream." Thai's journey is incredible, from being a Vietnam refugee to now living in Peru writing his first book. In this chat with Thai there is plenty of inspi

  • 13: Nancy Michaels - Reinventing Your Life

    09/09/2014 Duración: 41min

    The queen of reinvention, Nancy Michaels has pulled through coma, brain surgery, multiple life threatening complications, rehabilitation, divorce, loss, the challenges that come from being a single parent of three, and is a self sufficient business owner that has completely stepped up to recreate her life. What Nancy has been through is nothing short of astonishing. Today she helps thousands of people reignite their life and legacy by hitting the reset button! She is known for her amazing creativity that is both practical and straightforward - allowing people to get a jumpstart on their personal and professional reinvention story to start a new chapter in their lives.

  • 12: Chris Guillebeau - Finding The Quest That Will Bring Purpose To Your Life

    02/09/2014 Duración: 33min

    Chris Guillebeau, New York Times best selling author, modern-day world traveler, and host of World Domination Summit join us warriors. He shares his thoughts on what a quest is and how having a quest can completely change your life experience. Chris is a thought-provoking and inspirational guy that is optimistically embracing life on his own terms. He is what I would call a boundless force of nature. Chris clearly has a burning desire to live life free of regret! You will likely find yourself asking yourself questions like, “If I could do anything at all without regard to time or money, what would it be?” And, “What’s worth living for?” Chris is a change-maker and simply being in his presence causes you to question what you are really capable of.

  • 11: Lori Nordstrom - An Intimate Portrait

    26/08/2014 Duración: 35min

    Photographer Lori Nordstrom speaks about her business, the charity she started and her overall thoughts on being a successful entrepreneur. It was a lively and transparent conversation that offered some great insights. To know Lori is to love and admire her. I think this interview gives us the most personal look inside to fully understand what makes this successful entrepreneur tick. Lori is truly the driving force behind her success. It is no wonder that she is one of the leading voices in the photography industry. She is full of gratefulness, focus and determination.

  • 10: Barry Friedman - Juggling is Not The Final Act

    19/08/2014 Duración: 34min

    When I first heard about a guy that created an abundant lifestyle as a juggler I was immediately intrigued. As one half of the world famous juggling duo The Raspyni Brothers, Barry Friedman exemplifies the creative warrior spirit. Free to create with passion. Determined to serve with all your might. And to be prosperous. Barry embraces business as an act of creativity with no limits to “focus on one thing” and “find a niche”. Barry is a "get down to business" kind of guy that puts into action everything I believe is best for us creative warriors. Fully inspirational!

  • 9: Mauricio Estrella - Change Your Life by Changing Your Password

    12/08/2014 Duración: 34min

    Is it possible to change your life by changing your passwords? Yes, you read that right. Your passwords. The ones you use dozens of times a day to access everything. Today's guest, Mauricio Estrella, knows first hand that it certainly is! He has used them to heal from loss, achieve his goals and chart a completely different direction for his life! He wrote an article about this idea and it went viral appearing in The Huffington Post, on CNN and The Today Show. Change your life by changing your passwords to become a daily mantra, dozens of times a day.

  • 8: Warren Broad - It’s The Landing That Counts

    04/08/2014 Duración: 38min

    Let’s face it. We all fall emotionally, spiritually or financially at one time or another. When we focus on our landing instead of the fall we get the opportunity to start our journey in a different way. Much of success in business and in life is about resilience and recovery. Focusing more on firmly landing on our feet allows us to constructively move forward and also gain the ability to handle whatever life throws our way. In this episode, we hear from Margot Micallef and Warren Broad, the co-authors of "It’s The Landing That Counts-- Finding Peace, Happiness and Prosperity When Your Life Falls Apart"

  • 7: Bob Burg - Being a Go-Giver in business

    30/07/2014 Duración: 37min

    Can a subtle shift in focus really make that big of a difference in your business and income? Author Bob Burg says, “absolutely, yes!" Especially when that shift in focus is from making money as the target to serving others as the target. You will see that the money will follow as a result of hitting the target. This is an amazing opportunity to hear from a business master. Bob's book, "The Go-Giver" has achieved legendary success. In this interview you will gain insight into Bob's Five Laws of Stratospheric Success. These are five simple principles, that once understood and honored, can change the results of your business and life.

  • 6: Brett Relander - What You Need to Know About Google+

    14/07/2014 Duración: 40min

      Sometimes you sit down to have a chat with someone who has done some pretty impressive things, like gaining 90.000 followers on twitter in short order or 4,000 fans on G+ in 5 months and you ask yourself, How? What exactly does someone do to inspire this level of interest? Find out when I chat with social media expert Brett Relander.

  • 5: Jeremy Cowart - Photographer and Humanitarian

    14/07/2014 Duración: 28min

    Awe-inspiring celebrity photographer, published author, humanitarian and social media guru Jeremy Cowart proves that you can make a great living doing what you love, give back to causes close to your heart all while fully embracing the creative process. Can curiosity keep your business fresh and growing? Jeremy is living proof that the answer is a resounding yes! The importance of looking forward and being open to new ideas and technology will not only keep a busy mind learning but what will be created from living this way will lead to a world of possibilities.

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