Successful Life Mindset



Where the world goes to be Inspired!


  • What is Your Legacy?


    Legacies Tracy read an email SLM received with a thought provoking question: “What do you want to be remembered for when “the lights go out”? Cliff shared his personal mission statement: My mission is to dedicate my life to Entertaining, Educating, Encouraging, and Inspiring Others! To share my passions and experiences in life in an ...

  • The Power of Not Waiting


    The Trouble With Relaxing Tracy was on an extended vacation (about 3 weeks) where he discovered he has trouble relaxing. He found it difficult to break away from work during his normal business hours. He is conditioned to work. He enjoys what he does and has a desire to please people. His unwritten business motto ...

  • Your Habits Will Make or Break You


    Who Am I? I am your constant companion. 

I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. 

I am completely at your command. Half the things you do might just as well be turned over to me and I will be able to do them quickly ...

  • How Committed Are You?


    How Committed Are You? Last week we celebrated our independence from the tyranny and oppression of a foreign government. The men who brought about forming a new nation, self-governed had to be committed to make it happen. Some things you may not know about the 56 men that signed the Declaration of Independence: Five signers ...

  • Are You Stretching Yourself?


    Is it all about you? Cliff is reading a book by Steve Brown, “Three Free Sins”. One of the things the book discusses is that sometimes it is about “me”. More importantly, it discusses the fact than many of our actions and/or decisions are based on what others think of us. We are, for the ...

  • Your Five Types of Capital


    Encourage Other’s Dreams Cliff played a message from Tony Mendoza.  He said he listened to the SLM podcasts and read two of the books Tracy has recommended and it has changed his life.  He also called Tracy directly and told him how the SLM podcasts have changed his attitude towards his children.  He has a ...

  • Are You An Owner Or A Victim


    Owner vs. Victim Mentality Cliff usually answers the question, “How are you?” with a very positive answer, but today he told about his very stressful and overwhelmed feelings this past week.  He’s working on great things, but very, very busy.  He found Monday completely available and scheduled many things to do before his wife reminded ...

  • Small Steps to Big Accomplishments


    Small steps…. Tracy and his wife decided to do something together.  They are going to run in a 5K (3.1 miles) run in the fall.  Tracy has a history of running, but it’s been a while.  His wife does not have that history.  They got out to run the first day and realized they were ...

  • Inspirational Quotes to Get You Motivated


    Quote that Changed Cliff’s Life…. “When you’re clear in your mission and purpose, it’s much easier to not get upset when you choose not to live by other’s expectations for you.” ~ Cliff Ravenscraft Cliff found that even with his habit of scheduling his work according to a level of importance, he still had too ...

  • Building Your Passion Into A Business


    For Free Forever? Cliff played an audio feedback from a listener.  The listener was concerned that podcast listeners might have the impression that Successful Life Mindset has implied that you can do something you’re passionate about for free for the rest of your life. He disagrees and would like the story set straight. Both Cliff ...

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