Two Gomers Run For Their Lives



A podcast about two regular guys challenging themselves to live healthier, and inviting a Nation along for the run


  • Bloktoberfest 2021 – A Celebration of All Things Running: Steven Edition


    We kick off Bloktoberfest with a bang as Steven shares the top three things he loves about running and the running journey. Also: Googling “Sport,” pasty church directory photos, Olivia Newton John parody songs, conquering procrastination, learning to love what you didn’t used to love, and very cool air horn…

  • Block 22: To Face My Race, I Had To Face My Addiction


    Professional drummer, unclaimed baggage connoisseur, and special guest Brett Shields opens up to us about racing, failing, addiction, intervention, and what’s on the other side in this deeply personal episode of Runner’s Block. Whether you struggle with addiction or know someone who does, we hope this episode is a positive…

  • Block 21: I’m Not Signed Up For A Race


    Sometimes everything’s firing on all cylinders and you feel completely self-motivated to get out and run. And sometimes you just need a goal. Right now, we’re in that second category. We face the block and make some very practical decision that will launch us into the next phase of the…

  • Runner’s Block Roundup II


    It’s the Cliff’s Notes of Runner’s Block eps! We review Phase 2 – Blocks 11-20 – but more importantly, we remember all the things we’ve learned from facing each of those excuses head on. Plus a ton (and we mean a ton) of fun stuff along the way! Thanks to…

  • Block 20: My State is on Fire


    Anthony is in Oregon and new block has arisen: that’s some smoky air out there. Steven shares his experiences of weighing the risks and rewards of running when there’s a forest fire close enough to darken the skies and send those AQI numbers skyrocketing. Above all else, stay safe out…

  • Block 19: Losing My Motivation


    It happens to newbies and veterans, it happens because something significant occurs or nothing at all, it happens after a race or because you haven’t run one in a while. We all lose our motivation to run from time to time, and well…it’s Steven’s time. Anthony asks good questions as…

  • Block 18: Comparison, the Thief of Joy


    Who’s faster? Who’s better? Who’s farther? Who’s further? Who cares? And does it do any good to care? We’re tackling comparison, and have a couple huge epiphanies together, including a new version of Tron Bod. Thanks to this episode’s sponsor, BetterHelp! Get 10% off and find the right online therapist…

  • Block 17: I Need To Lose 20


    It’s the 2020 season all over again! We both know that we’ll get injured less, have more energy, sleep more peacefully, and run better if we’d just lose a little weight…but how do we do that in healthy and sustainable ways? Join us we continue to wrestle with this ever-present…

  • Block 16: I Can’t Sleep


    Is it our bodies or minds that are to blame when we can’t fall (or stay) asleep? We dig deep into an issue that has plagued us for years, and has been a major block to our running, and we not only get philosophical, spiritual, and reflectual (?), we get…

  • Block 15: I’m On Vacation!


    Anthony is in Wisconsin for a couple weeks and he’s facing all the runner’s blocks that come with being away from home, meeting family expectations, and facing the pressure to RELAX, DANGIT. How can running still happen? We talk travel, vacation, rest and anxiety in this ep, so grab your…

  • Block 14: It’s Too %&!#ing Hot Out (with Graylin Porter)


    It’s the spiritual sequel to our cold episode back in February, and we welcome podcaster, book-lover, yoga hot-taker, and Peliton expert Graylin Porter to help us come up with a TON of practical tips to beat the heat now that summer is trying to beat us. Thanks to this episode’s…

  • Block 13: My Dog is Pulling My Arm Off! (with Bryan Barrera)


    Running with your dog can be amazing. It can also be frustrating and miserable. Bryan Barrera (DC Dog Runner, The Ultimate Guide to Running With Your Dog) joins us to talk about the ups and downs of pounding the pavement with your pooch. Also, Steven might have found a new…

  • Block 12: You Think Starting is Hard? Try Maintaining


    Starting and starting over may be hard, but at least it has its benefits – the adrenaline rushes, the fun results, the social media posts. But keeping going, mile after mile and day after day and year after year…that can be a real block. Join the guys as they talk…

  • Block 11: I Deserve a Drink…or Six (with Jason Norem)


    The blocks are back, and we’re starting this next phase with a bang: how alcohol can prevent a runner from getting out there on the streets or trails. Longtime listener and friend of the podcast Jason Norem joins us – he’s a regular guy, trying to reach his goals and…

  • Race in Review: Two Gomers Memorial Day Virtual 5k/10k


    Ok, ok, we know the official race name is much longer, but you can only fit so many characters in a podcast episode title!

  • Runner’s Block Roundup


    It’s the Oops! All Berries of Runner’s Block eps – we review our first ten blocks, but more importantly, we remember all the things we’ve learned from facing them head on. Don’t forget to register for The Second Annual Two Gomers Hey How’s It Going Over There Conquering Your Runner’s…

  • Block 10: Oh HILLS No


    Some ground is an incline. Sometimes you have to run on such ground. The thought of that can keep you from running. Time to face that block (and enjoy the view)! Also, why doesn’t it ever work to take a picture of a hill? Tell us your Runner’s Block and…

  • Virtual Race Announcement and “Steven Got a House – A Story Six Years in the Making” (Unlocked Bonus Disc Episode)


    The Second Annual Two Gomers “Hey How’s It Goin Over There Conquering Your Runner’s Block” Memorial Day Weekend Virtual 5k and 10k is happening at the end of the month, and we are here to tell you all the details! Here’s the registration link: PLUS, we unlock a very…

  • Block 9: I Self-Sabotage (with Laura Frye)


    You know that tiny version of yourself that sits on your shoulder and constantly whispers sweet nothings into your ear, working to sabotage your running? Running coach, pilates Instructor, professional actor and Disney aficionado Laura Frye joins us to talk about how to deal with that annoying little person…who is,…

  • Block 8: Analysis Paralysis – Gear


    So much running gear! It can be overwhelming, but The Gomers are here to help. We talk about what you REALLY need to be a running, apart from all the bells and whistles, and then give our own personal picks for what makes running work for us. Discover the runner…

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