Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Get Out of Your Own Way with Dave Hollis



How do you view vulnerability? Perhaps you view vulnerability as a liability...and that thought holds you back from opening up so you can step out and up. Another question for you: how much do you value growth? Here’s the truth: Comfort is a casualty of growth. If we are to grow, we must get out of our own way and step into discomfort where growth and fulfillment live. In today’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, my guest, Dave Hollis, shares his powerful journey as a skeptic of growth and fulfillment. Dave just released his book, Get Out Of Your Own Way: a Skeptic’s Guide to Growth and Fulfillment, which outlines 20 lies he believed...and how he processed and moved past each of them over these past few years as he moved from a Disney Sales Executive to joining his wife, Rachel Hollis, in entrepreneurship. The Hollis company has grown from a team of 5 to now 65 in just two years! I know you will be able to relate to his stories in so many ways! Listen in as Dave shares a handful of the lies he once believe