Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Overcoming The 3 Biggest Mistakes I Made Bringing My Business Online



Do you ever feel like you and your business are the best kept secrets? You’re working as hard as you can to take your business to the next level, but just can’t seem to cross the threshold into the massive growth you know you’re capable of AND just can’t shake the feeling that there’s something holding you back. I have a question for you - have you ever stopped yourself from stepping into something you felt called to do, or really wanted to do, because you were scared? Maybe you’ve thought to yourself: “What if I make a mistake?” “What if no one shows up - or, what if no one likes what I have to offer?” “Will I be judged for this, what will people think?” These are called brain automations - and they’ll keep us in an endless cycle of fear until we let go of them. Guess what? I’ve been there! I’ve felt my fair share of fear surrounding my business, and I’ve made several mistakes along the way.  I have good news for you though - mistakes are not permanent, and it’s possible to step into all that you are called