Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Win at Work and Succeed at Life with Michael Hyatt



It’s 8:00pm on a Wednesday night… Are you just now closing your laptop for the night, mulling over all of the tasks on your to-do list that didn’t get done? Are you just now eating a quick dinner that you throw in the microwave because you don’t have the time or energy to make something, and everyone else in your house has already gone to bed? Are you noticing that it’s been a while since you’ve sat down with your spouse, your kids, or a friend for a prolonged period of time - without thinking about all of the work you need to get done? Ohhhhhhh I’ve been there and I know exactly how you feel. My dear friend, Michael Hyatt and I talk about just that on today’s podcast.  You’ve been sold the hustle fallacy that says the only way to achieve your goals and reach success in your business is through hustling and getting it done - no matter the cost.  I want to help you break free of the “cult of overworking.” It’s not benefiting you - and in fact, it very well could be hurting you.  Overworking blocks us from the