Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Entrepreneur Secrets for Social Media Growth with Brock Johnson



Ah, social media! As an entrepreneur, do you feel like you’re in a perpetual state of trying to figure out how to show up on social media? I get it - you’re not alone! Here’s the great news:  Social media is not really as complicated as it may seem, and when we discover how to best show up on our social media platforms as entrepreneurs - it can shift our entire business and attract real clients! The key is building relationships with our followers through serving them at the highest level and meeting them right where they’re at - all while showing up as our authentic selves. Customers will purchase goods and services from people they know, trust and have built a relationship with - and that’s how we convert our followers to clients AND to raving fans.  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with my friend and social media expert, Brock Johnson, about how to valuably show up on your social media platforms as an entrepreneur and the realistic strategies for converting followers into paying clients.   Get