Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Creating confidence from the inside out (Building Brain-based Confidence Starts Today) with Dr. Shannon Irvine



Once I have _____, then I’ll be confident, happy, successful, etc. Have you ever had this thought? I’ll let you in on a secret - this is a broken confidence model that so many people get caught up in.  This model creates the idea that in order for us to be confident, we must rely on external circumstances and validation. If you’ve gotten to this place, it’s not your fault and this episode is for you! This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk about a different, brain-based form of confidence. YOU have direct access to this level of confidence right now, and it will flip the switch for you to step into the confidence and growth you’re made for.  Ready? Let’s dive in! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “You’ve gotta have belief, and repeat that belief enough.”   Are you waking up everyday, telling yourself what you want to create and who you want to be? If not, start this practice! Your brain has to believe it before it will see it. Listen in to this episode to learn more about how creating