Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Building Effective Habits to Grow Your Business with Dr. Shannon Irvine



Habits.  We all have them.  Some of them, like daily exercise, are habits we want to build or maintain.  Others, like staying up too late, are habits we’d like to break.  Trying to create a new routine with positive and productive habits can seem difficult to maintain on the surface, but when you look at the brain science behind building a habit (or breaking one) it’s not as daunting as you might think.  This week on the Epic Success podcast, I’m sharing how habit success is an inside job. One thing I know from my studies of NeuroPsychology is that becoming successful, in business AND life, is a result of the daily habits of what you think. It all comes back to my brain-based NeuroCoaching Model™, which I’m giving you a peek of in today’s episode!  Are you ready to learn how to hack your brain to create habits that work for you, and your business?  The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: “A habit is just a decision repeated over time, just like a belief is just a thought repeated over time.” A habi