Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Transform Your Thoughts to Reflect a Growth Mindset with Dr. Shannon Irvine



Do you ever notice that some days it all clicks and aligns and you feel like you’re thriving? Those days are the best.  But then why is it that there are so many other days you feel like you’re striving to survive and make it all work? Well, I’ll tell you a secret. It’s normal to always be learning and evolving.  The key is to check in with ourselves, ask better questions and keep moving towards our next-level self.  You know, that version of you that’s not chasing the validation of value but instead adding value to others from a place of abundance.  This week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast is all about choosing your way of being. The difference between these two ways of being - thriving versus striving - comes down to two things: our mindset and our focus.  Are you ready to transform your daily mindset? Let’s dive deeper... The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: “You can’t make transformation happen through working harder and striving.” I know, this is the opposite of what society and cult