Alaska Tracy Podcast

#66 ~ Speak Fearlessly with Carissa Karner



In this episode, I sit down and talk with Carissa Karner, an extraordinary, powerful speaker and coach based in California. Carissa helps purpose-driven professionals and entrepreneurs learn techniques on how to speak with authority, lead with their hearts and touch lives with their powerful messages.  As a certified Clinic-CoachÆ, a licensed psychotherapist, an actress with a plethora of experience on stage, a TEDx presenter and on the way to becoming a certified world-class speaking coach, she draws together a supply of tools that help you gain confidence when speaking in public.  Growing up in the mountains of Yosemite, Carissa was always a shy child. A self-confessed scared little girl, Carissa spent a lifetime hiding in fear of not being able to use her own voice or to be seen amongst the crowd. Excelling at dodgeball, Carissa was able to wear a “cloak of invisibility” to hide from whoever had the ball. This metaphoric situation was actually a representation of her childhood; always hiding from her tru