
ana025: Free Private Cities | Titus Gebel Interview



We interview Titus Gebel, the Founder, President and CEO of Free Private Cities Inc. Free Private Cities is working towards building new, greenfield cities using a model of individual bilateral contracts between each citizen and the city owner/operator. In his book, "Free Private Cities: Making Governments Compete for You," Titus describes why and how Free Private Cities should be developed. Use hashtag #ana025 to reference this episode in a tweet, post, or comment View full show notes at ----more---- Intro The Free Private Cities Concept Individual contracts A simple idea, with profound consequences Autonomy from the host nation Real World prototypes: Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Singapore Unique forms of urban development Patrik Schumacher - Market Based Urban Order Open to market experimentation Competing service provider models Incentives to cover maintenance costs Book: Free Private Cities: Making Governments Compete for You by Titus Gebel Discussio