Botch Games Podcast

Episode 93: The Origins 2018 Wrap-Up Episode



Welcome to the longest Botch Games Podcast that has existed in a very long time. Here you thought just over an hour was the new norm. Well, you were sorely mistaken. But it's the Origins episode, so of course there's a lot to discuss. In Episode 93, Craig wraps up the entire Origins 2018 experience, with a little help from his friends. In the family segment, Tyler looks back at the multitude of games he played both with and without his father. In the third segment, Derek and Matt catch up with their plays before Derek peaces out to make room for full on Origins wrap-up between Matt and Craig.  Show Times: Intro: 0:16 Tyler's Origins: 7:08  Derek and Matt Catch Up: 46:21 Matt and Craig Dish Origins: 1:32:02 Wrap-Up: 2:02:22 Punchboard Media Stinger: 2:05:48