Empowering Smes

Sound Talent Recruitment Helps Add Value!



“Attracting and keeping the right people is a key component of the life-cycle for most businesses” (Verne Harnish – Scaling Up) The other three essential components are: Creating a truly differentiated strategy (empowering SMEs047) Driving flawless execution (coming soon) Having plenty of cash to weather the storms (coming soon) Your accountant could assist you in identifying the characteristics of people who could assist your business to add value.  If your accountant is not available to assist you because of other work pressures you are invited to contact us and we will introduce you to an accountant/advisor who is able to assist you with this very important component of assistance on your business journey i.e assisting your business to create a “Talent Development Team.” Where do you start? Who is responsible for “Talent Development” in your organisation at present?   Read the Full Article Here