Citr -- Arts Report

Somebody Said Interviews?



This week we had three interviews and one review! We started off with an interview with Shaun Dacey about "Inaction", a new exhibition at the Richmond Art Gallery that comes to life with dance! The exhibition is up until April 3rd so you have some time to see it! We continued with a review of Studio58's TomorrowLove, and as Serra mentioned multiple times, she had nothing negative to say about it. Afterwards, we had an interview with Margaret Grenier about the Coastal Dance Festival which will be taking place fully online between March 12th and 18th! We finished off the show with an interview with Tim Carlson about "We Teach Our Objects How To Speak Our Language" which is a stop-motion music video part of a bigger project coming in the near future called "Isolation Suite". Make sure you check it out!Links: Int