Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

Ecumenicalism is Pure Evil, Austrailia gone Collective & Middle East Heating Up



"Here's the Deal." There are certain things that are coming true in our lifetime. The term '"Christian" is almost unrecognizable and our kids are susceptible to abuse even in supposedly Christian organizations. The Ecumenical Movement is pure evil. The Australian government has lost its collective mind, turning on its own residents for their free expression. The Middle East is still heating up. The mainstream media is 99% '#FakeNews. The other 1% is accounted for when they run their station identification info. Young people everywhere are embracing a Marxist ideology and have no clue of its history and its dim and miserable future and they are being fueled by dark forces who want their submission. However, we know that all of these things must happen before the Lord returns so we will continue to bear witness to the truth until such time that we too, are banned from the airwaves and/or arrested. Even so, the Lord reminds us "Do Not Fear" and we shall not, as we kno