Talk About My Favorite Authors | Phoebe Jordan

Phoebe Jordan chats with C. H. Admirand, an RT BOOKlovers Convention Special



Today I have an RT BOOKlovers Convention special show for you because I will be chatting with romance author C. H. Admirand who will be talking about her upcoming novels. And she may even give us a sneak peek into some of her future books as well as any of her other novels that she may have in the works right now and any other projects. She will be telling us about her writing experience and what she has in the works writing wise.C.H. was born in Aiken, South Carolina, but her parents moved back to northern New Jersey where she grew up, which if you’ve met her would explain a lot. She’s always had her nose in a book, has traveled the world over, and even tested the time-space continuum, thanks to the awesome power of the written word. One of her writing quirks is that she loves to include bits and pieces of her ancestors and ancestry in all of her books. Her family centers her and keeps her sane, which is why she enjoys adding elements of family, hearth, and home in all of her romances.   With 8 short stories