Mojo For Running

MFR 141: Returning from a Break



Whether you are new to running or you’ve been running for years, there will be times when you stop running weeks or even months. Matybe you have a health issue, and maybe you had an injury. My runners miss long periods, sometimes, maybe due to caring for elderly parents, maybe due their own medical problems, and sometimes a running injury or some other injury that requires a long recovery period. Sometimes, it’s weeks of overtime or school. Three of my runners in the last half dozen years, have missed more than a year when working on their doctorates. All came back, but it wasn’t easy. And then, there’s the more common situation that I liken to falling off a diet. You know how, sometimes you’re being very careful with sticking to eating reasonable portions of healthy food, but then Thanksgiving rolls around, and you decide to let yourself go a bit for the holiday weekend, thinking that you’ll return to your healthy ways right after the weekend, but then Monday rolls around, and you find it’s too easy to jus