He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

LGBTQ/Suicide, Mental Illness/Suicide, Bullying/ Suicide…..Families/Friends Dest



School starts soon and for many it will be a new experience with a group of classmates they have never met and they know nothing about. For those returning to school there is the in crowd, the jocks, the brainy students and the TARGETS, and not just the new kids in schools but “friends”, “neighbors” or just the “outsiders”.  Middle school and High school are supposed to be the best years of your life. Its where you meet those lifelong friends, be popular, play sports, become a good debater, take up politics, find puppy love, go to Prom and graduate- beginning life.  Hundreds of students will begin school and many of those who accept and begin living their truth as LGBTQ, or is diagnosed with bi-polar or a mental disease will become those TARGETS and will commit Suicide. ALERT: There is a NEW BULLY in town and it is called Social Media better known as Face Book. It becomes the hidden fist that strikes you, the vicious words (gay, trans, bi-polar) that degrades you, the gun that shoots you and the knife that st