Doc Thompson

Obama the Thug, #QuestionsForMike, & Dr. Jennifer Gardner - 10/4/18



The Morning Blaze Topics: Hour 1 Virgin Airlines are now allowing mini horses as support animals… You need evidence if you are going to come forward with a sexual assault claim… Brandon Straka joins us to talk about the #WalkAway march in October. Hour 2  Brett Kavanaugh is the only one who drinks and has sexual assault allegations against him?... Obama called himself a thug… Did you get the emergency text from the President?... Stephen Moore talks about our economy. Hour 3 We have a very special guest tomorrow… Kris’s plan might have backfired on him… Dr. Jennifer Gardner joins the show to talk about some maternal responsibilities being lost in today’s world… #QuesitonsForMike… Lindsey Graham, where was this attitude before? To see more from Doc, visit his channel on TheBlaze and listen live to “The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson” weekdays 6–9am ET, only on TheBlaze Radio Network. Title: Obama the Thug, #Ques