Art Class Curator

22: Special FX Art Class with Chris Screws



It’s October, so we’re going to get a little spooky! Today’s guest runs his very own haunted house. He takes this unique experience into his classroom by creating a one-of-a-kind special effects class for his high school students. Listen in to today’s show to get inspired to take your unique skills into your classroom.   Show Highlights Chris shares details about his career and his current teaching position in Alabama. In addition to teaching general art classes, Chris shares about the special effects class he teaches where he incorporates prosthetics, prop-making, set design, make-up application, and costume-making. Chris tells about how he allows his students to create their own presentations to showcase in front of judges. Chris uses many project-based lessons in preparation for the students’ showcase. Learning new process ahead of the students is something Chris shares with us. Beginning in October, Chris’ students narrow their focus for the April showcase, including writing proposals and creating charac