Sleepy Eyes Knits

Episode 1: Sweet



Whew!!! It's finally done and I am a little bit happy with it! It took many, many hours of swearing and begging Ian to help me figure out terms like "rss", "feed", and "mp3"...but I survived and I think Ian's only the tiniest bit scarred...emotionally, I mean, not physically.The sad news is, from now on, I think my blog posts for podcast episodes will be mostly like this...lists of links and notes from the podcast and pictures that you can see that I've talked about. It will be short and, hopefully, sweet...heh heh.You will be able to "hear" my babbling from now on instead of "reading" about it....but I use those terms loosely...much like my commitment to not buy any more yarn...yeah, right...(STR, here I come!) PLEASE download and listen to my podcast and gimme some feedback! Happy Knitting!