Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

2024 Halloween Horror Election Special



It seems fitting that in the U.S., Election Day is so close to Halloween. Despite promising to be a dictator on day one, despite doing every horrific thing possible to hurt voters, Donald Trump is neck and neck with Kamala Harris.Today we take a look at the election to end all elections and this year’s Halloween costumes with comedian Dan Cass, one of Chicago's top comedy writers and performers, who spent time in Russia studying experimental theater.FOLLOW DAN CASS: ★ instagram.com/dankkassFOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM:★ instagram.com/faustofernos ★ instagram.com/marcfelionDan almost became a ghost after a bad accident on a Divvy bike, but thankfully what didn’t kill him just pissed him off. Listen as we take a look at the 2024 US Presidential election and Halloween costumes so scary, kids are dressing up as undecided voters wearing MAGA rainbow hats. Plus--• Insult comic Tony Hinchcliffe with approval from the GOP calls Puerto Rico a “floating island of garbage.”• The U.S. Mint announces Celia Cruz will be on a spe